Good job checking in.

Thanks for sharing and taking a moment to pause and reflect. We can work together to normalize working on our mental health. For today, here are short exercises to try. Or, continue to Quimby.

Follow the video below for at least 4 rounds of breathing.

Focus on sensations in your body

Scan from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Observe the physical sensations and how the emotion manifests in your body.

Sit with it for 30 seconds.

Notice three things you can see

Look around you and become aware of your environment. Try to pick out something that you don’t usually notice.

Notice two things you can feel...

Bring attention to the things that you’re currently feeling, such as the texture of your clothing or the smooth surface of the table you’re resting your hands on.

Notice one thing you can hear...

Listen for and notice things in the background that you don’t normally notice. It could be the birds chirping outside or an appliance humming in the next room.

Notice how you feel compared to the start of the mindfulness practice.

Be open to any reaction you may notice.